5 Classy Hollandse Nieuwe Designs Happy office for a Funeral Insurance Company

While their company may be about the negative facet (funeral insurance), DELA’s target office design is to look after those which stay . Their human-focused strategy not only falls upon their insurance customers, but in their workers too, that comes through in their own brand-new headquarters in Eindhoven

Produced by Hollandse Nieuwe, the brand new digs span 5,800-square-meters and home office floor design, a restaurant, and a assembly center, all with a comfy, sporty aesthetic.

Read more : 10 Gorgeous Wood Dining Table to Charm your Dining Space


Hollandse Nieuwe Designs Happy Headquarters

So what makes a happy office? According to Hollandse Nieuwe Designs, a Dutch interior design and space planning company, it all starts with the furniture. The company was founded in 1992, and quickly became a leader in the field. The company has a unique approach to designing offices. The furniture itself is the main reason why employees feel so satisfied at work. The company designs its own furniture and is famous for it’s beautiful, functional, and modern design. The result is that their offices look great and their employees are happier.

office dining table

If you own a small business and have the means to create a workplace that provides a comfortable, productive space for employees, then you should consider investing in a nice dining table. You can find plenty of options in all different sizes, materials, and designs to fit your needs and preferences. A table is a functional addition to any office because it can also double as a desk and a place for people to eat, write, and gather. Plus, it’s a good conversation starter and makes visitors feel like they are part of the team.

employee meeting table

When you’re at a table, there are a few things that make a great meeting space. First, the table should be large enough to accommodate all attendees comfortably and at ease. Second, the chairs and table should be sturdy enough to withstand whatever activity is going to take place during the meeting. Third, the table should be easily accessible to all attendees, since it’s much easier to move around a large table than it is to get to a small one.

office workers meeting table

The reason this method is powerful is that we can all relate to the idea of sitting down at a conference table, having a meeting with our colleagues and boss, and sharing some valuable insights. However, if you try to go about things the same way you would when you’re in your office working, you won’t get anywhere. You need to take your message out of the office and put it into the context of where your target audience is.

office worker storage locker design

So, if you’re interested in getting a storage locker, don’t get confused by the fact that it’s an “office” locker. You can use your office storage locker to store all of your important documents, file cabinets, and anything else you’d like to keep out of sight. Some office lockers come with additional storage space to help keep even more of your belongings organized.

Office Worker Storage Lockers design are an ideal choice for companies looking to keep their employees organized. They offer a quick and easy way to store items like backpacks, laptops, and work tools in a secure location. They can also be a great alternative to a company’s break room, which is often cramped, hot, and crowded.

Read more : 17 Beautiful Flowers & Plants

In conclusion, The team spent the first half of 2014 redesigning the website and building out a new company. They were also working on making the company more scalable and more sustainable for the long term. During this process they moved to a more remote location and redesigned the offices as well.

Cathy Lorraine